Monday, March 2, 2009

escape from winter

this city girl never learned to drive.

here lately i've had this urge to hit the road. then i thought and said to myself... girl you gotta learn to drive...


Anonymous said...

Hey that's interesting, another thing in common - me either! And I also sometimes dream about driving along the Seine river banks. Like today when I crossed the Louvre gardens

Here, There, Elsewhere... and more said...

Love the photo - I always had quirky (2Chevaux, Beetle...) little convertible cars when I was younger...
I do love driving but it's not all it's cut out to be - particularly with all recent speed/parking restrictions and increasing running costs...
I'd say you're better off without the hassle - get a friend to take you out in theirs instead..!

Julianne said...

I too love driving. When I am stressed, I get in my car and cruise in the country. I love the silence, or at times I play my music really loud. It is the ultimate solultion for some solitude. Good luck.

La Belette Rouge said...

I'll teach you to drive if you teach me to ride a bike.xo

My Castle in Spain said...

or else...get a chauffeur dear !
but i must say, once you learn perhaps you'll love it ! driving on my own is one of the most liberating things i've experienced...
adelante Audrey!

Nuria Cano said...

Si te pasas por Bilbao te doy un paseo en moto :=)

P. said...

I don't drive either!