Monday, September 15, 2008

love the questions...

this is a picture of my dream. can you imagine? i dreamed i was in a clearing in the woods, there alone beneath the trees. though i did not know where i was, i was also unsure of where i might be going. actually for the moment i wasn't going anywhere. only still. there. content. well for the moment where i am, while at the same time finding comfort in the light, streaming in from up ahead...
'have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language.' ~rilke
may you be well where you are, and may hope accompany you in your dreams.


Mary-Laure said...

This picture is beautiful. Green woods and sunshine are things that really move me.

La Belette Rouge said...

That is one of my favorite Rilke quotes.

And, really, when you are in that kind of beauty does it really matter where you are going?

l'air du temps said...

Mary-Laure, nature does have a way of touching the heart doesn't it... as i am a city girl, and often far from nature, i'm grateful that still nature seems to be calling me to come near...
so glad you popped in.

hey la belette, good good question! your words remind me to relax and enjoy. no matter where i am going, here is nice too.

My Castle in Spain said...

sometimes when my brain is buzzing with questions which of course i'm unable to answer, i'd love to have a wood like this one to hide away !

Julianne said...

What a beautiful dream. I actually look forward to going to sleep to see what my dreams will bring. I also love the Rilke quote.

Anonymous said...

I've sometimes dreamed of bathing in chocolate... here I'm also referring to your previous post. I love wine, red, rosé and sparkling, but even more than than, I'd love to dive into warm soft choco-bath. Only in dreams, huh.

Patience is one of the most precious things we can learn in life. Being still in from of unanswered questions. Seizing the moment. Nature is a good place to practice that. The picture could have been taken from where I spend my childhood summers;)

l'air du temps said...

dear Lala, in madrid there is a space called 'campo de moro.' you know, one of those expansive wood that used to be a retreat for the wealthy. it's beautiful and peaceful. ...and you have there the alhambra, we'll just borrow these spaces until we get our own:)

hi Julianne, nice to meet you! was it shakespeare who said something like 'to sleep per chance to dream'? sometimes it's exciting to go to sleep just to see what appears in our dreams.

Susu, bathing in chocolate sounds divine. can you imagine? i'll have to think about what i would like to bath in, probably a hot spring or something. simply because as long as i am warm, the world is mine. cold shuts me down.

we will make good wine buddies. i love a delicious glass of wine. and just as much i love the feel of a delicate wine glass in my hands and sharing this time with friends... lucky you for spending your summers in such a gorgeous place like in the picture. i imagine that kind of beauty stays with you for a lifetime...

La Belette Rouge said...

I have given you a blogging award. Come on over and see!!

l'air du temps said...

la belette, how cool! thanks a bunch. sweet to be thought so well of.

Lavinia said...

Thank you for these beautiful sentiments, and for this gorgeous image. I would like to have a dream in this setting, or better yet, a happy reality...