Thursday, January 15, 2009

it's time

and go slowly...
thich nhat hanh

hoping for peace in the middle east, peace next door & right where we are.
above image... little obama with his grandpa...


My Castle in Spain said...

wonderful 1st pic...

i'm hoping everyday a ceasefire is agreed between Israeli governement and Hamas

i'm quite anxious to see if Obama will have any pressure at all on Israel.

La Belette Rouge said...

This beautiful post brought me to tears. Lovely.

Julianne said...

What a great picture. That little boy looks joyous. May we all feel like that!

Here, There, Elsewhere... and more said...

Beautiful and very touching post - wasn't he just sooo cute as a child before turning into such a handsome gentleman..?
"A change is gonna come" as the Sam Cooke song goes..:)

Anonymous said...

I'm wishing President Obama the best of luck ever. The time of his life. A lot of courage and wisdom. Perseverance and humility.

What a joy to see him where he will soon be. The most wonderful day for a lot of people - I'm proudly one of them.