Tuesday, May 12, 2009

je ne sais quoi...

what has happened? i woke up this morning feeling that i am right where i want to be. sure! i want to travel 'the world,' there are poems i'd like to write, including stories, tweak my career, see the faces of friends over dinner and wine...
i can always think of a million places i would like to go and be. but this morning, in the moment, i was content. a gift, no?
hope you are well and this week is good to you, dear you!


La Belette Rouge said...

For so long I thought contentment was a dirty word. I thought striving, reaching, and growing was the ideal. I am slooooowly learning that being happy where you are and what you are is a real gift.

I am happy for your piece of contentment.

Here, There, Elsewhere... and more said...

I love this post -
I know the feeling...it's a lovely one - sometimes it lasts and sometimes its just a passing moment - today, right now, I'm up to my eyeballs editing some really lousy, badly written copy so I can't say I'm where I'd like to be...
Enjoy your week..:)

P.S I hope you can make it to Stratford one day - it's heaven on earth + there's lots of great Shakespaere plays and art exhibitions...

Hans Martin Landgreen said...

great moments of total accept..

Lavinia said...

I am glad to hear you are having these wonderful moments of contentment. There will be time to do all the other things you mention, but mostly its great to just *be*, I think so anyway...

l'air du temps said...

Hi Belette, i always feel that we both are truly and deeply happy for one another's 'doing well.' thank you, as i continue to learn of the sweet subtleties of life in the midst of the ups and downs from what you share...

India J, i'm so glad that you shared that 'sometimes it lasts and sometimes it's just a passing moment.' i get fearful sometimes thinking it's so temporary. it is, but i think it's good for me to learn to appreciate it while it exits...

Hans, just like you, profound thoughts in a few words...

Lavinia, so true right? there's time for the other things...