Friday, June 26, 2009

michael jackson

i've prided myself on not watching televison while on holiday for weeks. when i sign on to check my email i get little tidbits of info about 'wha't goin on.' i'd heard about the speech president obama made in egypt. i heard it was impressive. i have in mind to read it when i return to the states. and i must admit that i miss and like our new president.

today i read a bit about farrah fawcet passing. and i had to pause. i remembered my sister and i sitting in front of the television watching charlies angels. she was kate jackson and i was jacqueline smith, sabrina and kelly. it seems like yesterday. we were such little girls.

i read about ed mcmahon passing and i remembered his laugh as he sat with johnny carson.

i'm not always proud of watching television but i guess as kids in the states we were the t.v. generation passing hours in front of the television. i swear i watch less television now, and i read more.


and i mean a huge... 'but'

the passing of michael jackson. i'm sitting here in my room on holiday checking my email and the new york times tells me that mj has passed. it's strange. there is no one here but me. i've no one to ask. no one to talk to. is it for real? and it is a real question. if you happen to pass by this space... tell me please.

all the stuff about him and the kids, i've no idea what went down. but what i can share is that he had a special talent for music and dance. and it will be a long time coming before another can match his talent and ability, if ever. he was great at it!

it really is surreal! i wish him blessings and peace.

1 comment:

Susu said...

I have so many fond memories connected to Michael Jackson's songs. Such a great talent!