Thursday, April 15, 2010

one of those days

been knocked down a few days with a flu-like cold. been in bed with my hair all messed up falling in and out of sleep, drinking juice, and sipping soup. the sound of t.v. is disturbing, so i put on some melodic tunes.

i'm getting better. out of bed today, having some tea. and i just had an interesting thought; it's a perfect moment for an audrey hepburn film... gentle and sweet. i retreat back to bed with me cup of tea to relax and not overdo it. seems i'm on my way back to feeling better...

won't send kisses, don't want to share me cold... good thoughts, that's it, hope you're well!


Angie Muresan said...

Oh, dear Audrey. I'm so sorry to hear that! Getting sick right before the weekend is no fun at all. Hope you feel better quick!

Susu Paris Chic said...

Dear Audrey,

I hope that you continue to feel better. Take it easy, just as you are doing.

Dive yourself into things that procure pleasure. Take small steps. Let time talk to you and heal you.

Kisses from Paris!

Unknown said...

Oh my dear. Siento que estés pocha. vaya... Estoy muy absorvida por mi tesis y mi enano y no he tenido tiempo últimamente de pasarme por tu blog. Pero siempre me acuerdo de tí. Siento mucho que en mi reincoporación a tu blog lo primero que lea es que estás malita :(

Cuídate mucho!!

Angie Muresan said...

Thinking of you, dear Audrey. Hope you're feeling better by now.

Barbara von Enger said...

Dear Angie,
Well wishes. Do get well soon;-)

Red Lipstick said...

So sad to hear you were ill. I'm glad that you are better now. Your agenda was just what you needed for your body and soul to flurish. Best to you my dear!