Friday, September 14, 2007


they say to 'forgive is divine.' quite often forgiveness is difficult, when someone or something causes us pain and suffering. in the midst of this pain the last thing we want to do is to forgive. it lets her off the hook. and somehow invalidates the pain that we are feeling. this quite often is what we think when we think about forgiveness.

remember the relief and pain lifted upon being forgiven? for-giving is a gift to be shared. and when we don't forgive, strangely we carry the negativity with us. i know i want to be free of it. i don't want it. when we forgive we let go. letting go creates space for the the pain to begin to subside. negative connections wih persons inflicting pain is severed. it is up to us to decide if we want to begin a new, or simply go our separate ways. but at least we have allowed a space for healing, which is beneficial for our own well being. at the same time we share this gift with the one who has hurt us. this we do in love, which is why maybe they say to forgive is divine.

we are then free to go on with our lives. perhaps with one foot a little deeper in this thing we call love, simply because very often for-giving is not easy. we have to find a space deep inside of us where love lives, and call it forth. this places us on higher ground. when we have to meet love deep within us, it transforms us, makes love more evident in our lives. and with more love, even when it hurts, we witness more joy and beauty... for-giving is a present we give to ourselves as well, and we are worth it!


Jorge said...

¿puedo compartir tu blog con unas amigas?

otra cosa: puedes añadir etiquetas temáticas (tags) a cada entrada (post) de tu blog; se hace en la parte inferior del recuadro de escritura.

l'air du temps said...

!por supuesto! thank you for considering sharing l'air de temps with your friends.

...and i appreciate your pointers about tags. as you know i am technologically challenged:)
