Sunday, December 14, 2008

trippin' on today and tomorrow

what's on tap for this new week? all's a buzz this holiday season... i was going to share an image of a crystal ball, to have a look into the coming days, and i stumbled upon this crystal lounge... hmmm apparently it's in sweden. how dreamily trippy is this? i can totally see me siding up to the bar for a really fresh flute of champagne, a little coolness, as i imagine inside is warm and cozy while a bit chilly on the outside...

any who, it's a new week and i'm feeling quite content with the connections we've made as blog buddies, sharing our doings and our heart's concerns...

looking on into the near future...

1. meeting with my dear friend helen as i'll package my 'heart love' and send her off with my best wishes as she begins a new chapter in her life.

2. for some reason, i have no idea why, the vice-president of spain is speaking at my alma mater this week. i'm there just 'cause it tugs at my heart strings for my love of spain.

3. going to 'cafe philosohique' at the alliance francaise, where they philosophise about life and art in french. still trying to improve my french, it is a journey isn't it...

well, i imagine you must be bored by now. i didn't mean to bore you, but it's like you pop in to visit a friend and you want to hear all about what s/he has been up to and you want to share your little things too.

if you're inclined to share... to tell of a wee thing you're up to this week...

sending out christmas kisses...
photo by amundn


Jorge said...

Acabo de terminar la preparación de mi nuevo libro de poemas (esta vez sólo en esperanto) y de enviarlo a la editorial para su publicación; como sabes, el editor está en Nueva York. Espero que reciba pronto la portada, de modo que pueda editar el libro en enero o febrero, a más tardar.

Mary-Laure said...

I'll join you for that fresh champagne by the bar...

La Belette Rouge said...

Sounds like a lovely week. And, lovely you, you never bore.
This week:
1. Going to what will surely be a lovely dinner party.
2. Attending a charity event with a friend who always makes me laugh.
Luckily there will be champagne at both events.

Julianne said...

You are never boring! Sounds like a very interesting week to me. Let's see.... This week....

My daughter comes home for Christmas, yea!

I have a Dr. appointment

I will finish Christmas shopping, I hope.
I am going with a childhood friend to visit a dear lady that was a good friend of my mother, and her mother. Our mother's are both gone, and we haven't seen this lady in a very long time. I think it will be a lot of fun.
Who knows what else. Life is always full of suprises.

Have a great week.

My Castle in Spain said...

oh..i can see myself too lounging in this bar !
and no my dear, you're never boring...I'm glad you French is coming along and that your love of Spain is intact...

my week is a bit social, so i have to go out and dress up and it's funny but i'd rather stay home! i'm on hibernating mode that's why. I only feel good at home in the company of my boyfriend, a burger and a Hitchcock movie.