Tuesday, October 6, 2009


i never was a grumpy or moody teenager, and i hear that teenagers can be. i don't know why i wasn't. today i wasn't necessarily grumpy, just not as sweet as i would like to be. i get from time to time put off by all the posing that goes on in nyc. people come here to make their dreams come true and that's a beautiful thing! but with that i so often am put off by the vanity of it all. all the cool folks in their cool shades and expensive clothes and airs about them that will remind you in case you haven't noticed how fabulous they are. i most often tend to cut 'em some slack remembering that we all are somebody's baby and special and fabulous in our own way, but today i had no patience and i did not try to pretend...

i stopped in a cafe for lunch and was really surprised by two young girls so scantily dressed had i not been so put off i would have been embarrased to look. maybe if i were in the mood and i felt like playing with my guy (in privacy) these outfits may have been sensual and cute. but since none of us were in our private budoir i was annoyed by how far people will go to get attention. these girls in this tiny little cafe were dressed in shorts that could have very easily been panties without exaggeration. suede pink boots which came up past their knees with a tiger skin print lining (i know because one girl took her boots off. i don't blame her those spike heels look like they hurt), and mid-drift blouses that showed off their tender belly buttons. gorgeous girls, but come on, another time and another place.

i would have cut them some slack with my annoyance had they at least been sweet, although misguided by their revealing outfits in the middle of the day on a monday, but they had a meanness about them. it was quite evident by their behavior and attitude.

that said, it's a free country and we can do what we want to do. i just wished that i'd had known these babes would be sucking up the air before i had ordered my lunch and realised what was going down.

when they did leave there was not only a feeling of relief inside what is normally this tiny cosy little spot, but folks felt compelled to release their frustration and talk about it. people wondered how old they might be? what kind of lives are they leading? what's up with them dressed like that in the middle of the afternoon. i mean ladies of the evening are called so for a reason, this was mid-monday if that be the case. and some said they had a meanness about them like they could bite your face off. i did not even have the stomach to look at them.

and i guess the funny part was one lady talking to her husband and those about how she did not find them attractive, that they were too revealing, and nothing was left to the imagination. her husband went on imagining what they might be up to, but by his words he was clearly attracted. attractive to some... offensive to others.

a french guy said to me once that the thing he likes about nyc is that you never really know what you will run into when you walk out your door. one is almost always up for a surprise...
image from victoria secret (i'm just saying... time and place)


Angie Muresan said...

I agree with you on this. Some people are so starved for attention that they would do anything to get it. I am really not a prude, but it is shocking that there seems to be an absence of social propriety, isn't it?

l'air du temps said...

hi Angie, and unfortunately it seems to be getting worse and worse...