Saturday, May 8, 2010

just a bit of a 'gap spring/summer?'

hello dear You... i'm having a bit of time off from blogging. i find words escape me these days... i'll have a bit of a break, but i'll be back as i do love it; sharing stories and visiting you.

in the meantime, do have a sweet spring... and maybe summer. i won't be too far, as i look forward to continuing to visit you!! and you all have my email, so if need be, or it fancies you please send me a message.

you know what? i appreciate and love, dare i say, every one of your comments that you leave for me. merci beaucoup mon amies!!

until soon loves!!



La Belette Rouge said...

I will miss you. I understand the need for a break. I hope it is a Spring and(gasp) Summer filled with beauty, glamour, sweetness, joy, creativity, travel and all the things you love. I hope to see sweet you on my blog as I love every comment you leave. Huge hugs and warmest wishes.

Angie Muresan said...

I'm missing you already, dear friend. Don't be gone long, okay?
Love and hugs to you!

Susu Paris Chic said...

Like Angie, I also miss you already... but I understand the need of a refreshing break. Do come over to Paris Chic soon dear!

Unknown said...

Te echaremos mucho de menos pero a veces viene bien un respiro. Hay que coger impulso para seguir con más fuerza. Aprovecha mucho este tiempo sin blog que la red puede llegar a ser también muy absorvente.

Disfruta de esta maravillosa época en NY. Echo de menos la ciudad donde vives y a tí claro.

Amor, mucho amor. Muacccs!

Here, There, Elsewhere... and more said...

I'm going to miss you too - although trying to return, slowly but surely, to blogging, I'm not finding it easy to reconcile everything...
I will be visiting every now and then though - reviens vite !

Red Lipstick said...

Oh Audrey, I know what you mean. I've missed blogging. I just visited Susu today and had to visit you. I've been just too exhausted to blog, and as you said words just had excaped me. Have a lovley break.