his mother explained to me that sometimes he does get sad because he can't be as active as he would like to be. she has been thinking that she would like him to begin something new especially for this time, so that when he emerges from this difficult situation he will have some fond memories to go with it. i'm thinking that when something happens like this you never forget it. my mom still talks about the horrible itchyness she suffered that summer as a little girl in florida when she broke her finger. and leo's mother remembers when she broke her finger, she spent the time learning french.
it has been said that the symbol for crises in chinese is the same as the symbol for change, that out of crises change can come, a new beginning...
what a wonderful idea. since i know absolutely nothing about chinese, i looked the symbols up. they look different to me. but what do i know? it's still greek to me. Jorge if you happen to pop in, clue me in and let me know what you think...
still i must admit, i do like the idea that out of a crises, space can be created for a new beginning...
In all the crisis I have endured I always hold onto the idea that change/crisis are the same symbol. I am still waiting for the new beginning. I hope it happens soon.;-)
LOL @ Chinese symbol looking Greek to you.:-)
la belette, indeed a new beginning is on the way. it always is. this is a wonderful gift of life i try to remind myself of and to be open to the nice newness when it comes...
I am just now learning to embrace change. In the past I have always wanted to hold on as tightly to the past and present as I could. It is a challenge, but much healthier to embrace change, because that is what life is made of.
Poor child, I know that is not fun for him. Hope he will be mended soon. Thank you for your nice comments on my blog.
I am happy to know that I gave you some ideas to pamper yourself! I think it is very important for us girls to take care of ourselves.
Julianne, me too. i like to hold on to the 'good old days.' like you, i am learning to appreciate the past and be open to the new gifts that life has in store for us.
leo, the little one who broke his finger is on a special school trip for 3 days and will be back in time for halloween parties and trick o treat. so good he has lots of festivities to keep him feeling good.
us girls pampering ourselves is such a good way to celebrate ourselves. thanks a bunch for such good ideas...
Unfortunately I cannot read Chinese writing on my screen, so I turn to my dictionnaries. There are different Chinese words for the different (sub)meanings of "change", as well as for those of "crisis": weiji (time of great danger), zhuanzhedian, zhuanliedian (turning-point); the first element "zhuan" itself means "change".
As an Esperanto writer (Karolo Piĉ) once wrote, "ŝanĝoj estas ŝancoj", changes are chances.
All our life experiences, particularly the tougher ones, make us stronger - and we mustn't forget, every ending leaves room for a new beginning..!
Now, I know Christmas is a long way off;
but, I just couldn't wait...
I'm in the midst of gift-wrapping an extremely early Christmas present for all my delightful favourite bloggers -
it'll be ready this evening -
so, if you'd like to pop by my blog anytime after that, you may pick it up and enjoy..:)
I hope that kid's hand gets better soon...
thanks Jorge, i appreciate you looking into this for me. it does seem like so much is intertwined in these words of change and crises and submeanings and great danger, turning points and changes and chances. like it's all mixed in there together and there is no black and white, not simply negative and positive but the difficult, change and chance mixed in towards a chance for a new beginning...
hey here, there, elsewhere... what you've said is true for me as well. i so appreciate the difficult moments... when they are over! i learn and grow so much in valuable ways if i were to tell the truth.
thanks for the christmas gift, so thoughtful of you. i'm such a fan of christmas. popping over in a minute:)
hi Mary-Laure little leo's geared up for is halloween celebrations this evening... he's definitely coming along. thanks for your well wishes...
Hmmmm,this is a most unique post. I think you are onto something here. Crises often do lead to profound, lasting change. This is true of history as well as individuals. I hope the little tyke's finger heals properly and quickly.
Crises are questioning-time, big time. They are not easy, by far, yet something we'll all have to go through. I also like to think of crisis as a chance, as a life's rough push into being more true to ourselves. Seeing more clearly what really matters in life and who your true loyal life journey co-travelers are.
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