Saturday, October 11, 2008

hello lovelies!

hope you have a pretty nice weekend...


Lavinia said...

This image is so soft and pretty and feminine....thank you for the good weekend wishes and I hope you have a good weekend too.

Julianne said...

I was really captured by that image also!! I tagged you for a meme,come on over and see! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend

Anonymous said...

How soft and delicate the photo!

My weekend was full of simple wonderful pleasures - shrimp salad and rosé wine on a riverboat in front of the Eiffel Tower, and good discussions with close-ones! Oh, and new apartment hunting... so exiting! Have a great new week Audrey!

La Belette Rouge said...

Hope your weekend was as lovely as you!!

My Castle in Spain said...

how i love this image ! so soft...

hope you had a lovely week end too. I went to the theater on saturday and had my 1st experience of Shakespeare in Spanish...hum..a little bit tough but good for me !

ps: read your email with delight and will get down to it this week !


Here, There, Elsewhere... and more said...

Beautiful image - so delicate and restful...what did you use to tint these..?
I have them but in a beige colour -I love the idea of having other colours..:)