Wednesday, July 22, 2009

just cause

just cause this looks good i wanted to put this picture here. it cheers me up... for some reason this picture looks like it smells good. strange idea right? reminds me of my time in europe. i was browsing a flower market and there i found some soaps with the most exquisite smells. they were about 2 euros a piece. natural ingredients. and i am reminded that sweet, good for you things don't have to cost a lot. ...and too, how soothing healing beauty can be...
image via blog loveology


La Belette Rouge said...

Gorgeous photo. But you always have gorgeous photos.
p.s. I think you are right. The best thing to do at a pity party is nothing. Sink into it like a bubble bath and wait soak in it until you feel like getting out. Hugs to you, lovely!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I agree, it's a lovely photograph. I think it's the colour palette that enchants. Happy Saturday to you!

l'air du temps said...

dear Belette, thanks a bunch for the hugs. they have been received and needed. it so good when someone 'gets you.' the way you get me. it is comforting and encouraging. i really appreciate it. and i feel as if i am on my way up again. merci beaucoup belle Belette!

Hello Pamela Terry and Edward. thanks so much for popping in and your happy wishes for my saturday. when you mentioned that it's the colour palette that enchants... your words are... enchanting. thank you!