Wednesday, January 13, 2010

haiti on my mind.
i'm thankful for doing well.
there are brothers and sisters facing devastation in haiti. may we help, and share with one another genuinely, always, not only in times of crises...
in times of crises i so often feel at a loss for how to help. i know nothing. information is shared saying help can be lended here


La Belette Rouge said...

That poor country has been through too much.

Unknown said...

Tremendo. No hay palabras. Siempre les toca a los mismos...

Angie Muresan said...

So very, very sad! I cannot believe it. The pain existing in the world astounds me.

Susu Paris Chic said...

I have started out by praying. Then now I should figure out what more tangible I can do. Haiti is special. They have so little, yet so much.