the quote from my previous post has inspired such a lovely conversation amongst us blog buddies. i want to continue with this conversation, it's such a good one. your ideas and additions have inspired in me a bit of contemplation and research on the sweet ideas that you have shared. so for the next few posts i will add a little quote to your ideas, in no particular order...
naps were mentioned...
naps are nature's way of reminding you that life is nice, like a beautiful, softly swinging hammock strung between birth and infinity. ~ peggy noonan
i hope a sweet summer afternoon nap is in your near future...
I am not usually a nap person... not for any reason, I guess I just always think I am too busy to sit and relax. I have always had the best naps... I did take my first nap in a long time this past Friday. I had all the windows open and passed out for a nice hour in my bed with my cat laying on top of me... it was wonderful, and I think I will plan another one for this next weekend.
I usually feel worse after a nap..but just relaxing on the bed with a book is really nice.
i understand that little snoozes are for some folks, and not for others, as i've heard some people say naps are not for them. on the other hand, i have a friend who lives in nyc from rome. he takes a nap 'religiously' everyday, same time if possible. as a musician his schedule allows it.
J, your nap with your kitty sounds perfect indeed. as you are not usually a nap person, looks like when you do it, you do it well:)
le tigre, reading a book in bed is what does it for you. relaxing in bed & getting lost in a great story... not bad at all., i can fool myself and say i'm going to read a bit, and before you know it i slip into 'une petite siesta.'
In French you can say that napping is my "peché mignon", a "cute bad habit". There's nothing sweeter that drifting off to the Dream Wonderland for a couple of moments in the middle of busy days' hustle and bustle. That's what I'll actually do right now... the bride has to get her beauty sleep. And it's incredible, but I'm still not nervous (folks keep asking me if...), I'm just making the most of it all.
miss Susu, nice to learn about the expression 'peché mignon.' i could make a little list of cute bad habits. it seems the French understand. perfect.
i was wondering if you are nervous about all that is happening. seems not. i imagine it makes it easier to laugh and love and have fun.
enjoy your beauty sleep, though i imagine not much time is needed:)
I must have my nap. I was always thus. Even with children of my own. There was an hour in the day, when Mommy and they napped.
Or when too big to actually sleep, they spent a quiet hour in their rooms.
Same with Granddaughter who came here, while parents worked. Same...
I never like to hear how Mothers can't get children to rest in the afternoon. It's all in how you bring them up. :-)
I neeeeeeded it. So I arranged to have it. And they benefited too. :-)
Miss Mari-Nanci
When Twilight Embraces
Dear Audrey,
ABSOLUMENT !! oui, la sieste est obligatoire...
i must admit, there wouldn't much of me left at the end of the day if i don't take a 20 mn nap. In summer and...winter...
mais oui...
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