Monday, July 7, 2008

l’environnement privé

'for the private individual, the private enviornment represents the universe.' ~walter benjamin


Lavinia said...

Someone is in a romantic frame of mind.......

It is as the French say, "A huis clos"...

Anonymous said...

Seems like you are cooking up some pretty good ideas about the interiors you long for. It's a process. You're doing fine:)

Here in Paris we have a tea salon "Tea and Tattered Pages" - I'm quite sure you'd like it.

My Castle in Spain said...

oui...c'est vrai...

and this beds looks utterly divine!

is it where you're going to spend your Monday day ?


smilnsigh said...

Ohhhhhhhhh, what a beautiful, beautiful private environment to have. Oh happy sighhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Smilnsigh blog

smilnsigh said...

But, I'm going to confess, I'd want to make the bed. Even though I know it's supposed to be the way it is pictured.

Hmmmm, I know I'm into neatness... as in, I like things to be in their place. And don't feel calm, with newspapers/magazines strewn around a room, and the like. Which doesn't seem toooooooooo up-tight to me.

But... -sigh- Betcha' that for me to need to make that bed, to feel calm... Betcha' that says something *deeply awful* about my personality. -giggles-

Shussssshhhh, don't tell on me. ,-)

Smilnsigh blog

Anonymous said...

I like the bed frame, very nice. Although maybe a bit squishy for two people. The quote is beautiful. I can really relate to your posts at the moment, all I can think about is finally be able to create my own space..we've still got a while to wait though..still looking for the right place for us.