Wednesday, January 9, 2008

just some thoughts

i been thinkin', i don't travel much but i am always dreaming of going some place. sometimes i do get to go. i think it has more to do with me being intentional about traveling as opposed to always just dreaming about it. but i been thinkin' as well, what about a journey inside? does that count? when people ask me about this past year, how it was, what did i do? the thing that most comes to mind is that it was surprisingly a quiet year. it was, i was rather quiet and reflective. it wasn't my intention, it just happened that way. after some years in madrid, i returned to new york to find that most of my friends have simply moved on. they moved out of the city, which is understandable considering the incredibly expensive rents. they have begun having children, which requires a whole other level of time and attention to the wee ones, and some, i guess were just yearning for a slower more peaceful pace. don't blame 'em. i found myself with myself. i had time to have a look at things. see where i was, where i wanted to go. see who i was, and consider who would i like to be. time to travel, or journey inside. so i haven't had the chance, yet, to drink beer in prague, enjoy sweets in paris as much as i would like to, drink wine by the french riviera, lie on the beaches of barcelona again, feast my eyes upon friends in madrid, ahhh and yes, see baby m. in copenhagen. in time i do hope for distant journeys. but a quiet year with moi, had a chance to see that there is much to discover in the quiet of one's own company. it can be a nice journey. 'wish you were here.' but it doesn't really work that way, does it?

last thought, at least for this writing space, for this moment, is i think, another reflection that has come out of this past year. that is the idea of loving what i do have. the buddhist teach often to be mindful of the present moment.

though all is not as i would like it to be, i too have made my wish list for 2008, at the same time i want to be mindful of the many good things in my life. while having an eye on what i still want to accomplish, i do want to be ever grateful, thoughtful and present about the people and things in my life that simply add beauty to my everyday...


Nuria Cano said...

Un viaje interior suena muy bien. Estoy segura de que hay mucha gente que nunca para, y que envidiaría encontrar ese momento especial para mirarse a sí misma y preguntarse el tipo de preguntas que te has hecho tú.

Ahora bien, para mí un viaje interior demasiado largo acabaría siendo perjudicial porque me "comería demasiado la olla". Necesito ¡acción!

Pero sí, tomarse esa "molestia" de mirar hacia dentro nunca es una pérdida de tiempo. Es importante y necesario. Sólo que cada uno tiene que encontrar su método. Yo suelo practicarlo en el tiempo que me tomo para mí misma anualmente en mi pueblo, o bien en los actividades cotidianas (en la cola del pan, en el autobús mirando por la ventanilla, andando por la calle o en esas tantas ocasiones anodinas que vienen de perlas para la introspección).

Sinceramente creo que ni tú ni yo tenemos solución :)

l'air du temps said...

sweet Nuri, i am inspired by your insight...