Friday, September 25, 2009


the weekend is here dear reader! i hope that these early autumn, still hanging on to summer days are cool and warm all at the same time. is that possible? i've been down memory lane a bit this week, and i am thinking of things from another time in general. i think i do this anyway from time to time missing cute fashion, fine music, rituals of old. love it!

and i suppose there comes a time to dip into the modern day happenings as well. every age has it's positives too. have you heard of these young ladies. i think they are the cutest. they are the wonder girls and they have a retro look and musicality about them. love them...

have a peek at the video (give it a minute to get past the initial story) here...

and do have a wonderful weekend!!

sending kisses!

p.s. sorry about the 'toilet guy' they could have skipped that whole part for me, but the part where the ladies are singing their song is too cute...


Angie Muresan said...

Their song is cute and they are adorable.
Have a wonderful weekend Audrey, however you decide to pass it, enjoy it to the fullest.

La Belette Rouge said...

You always share things that sparkle with a certain je ne sais pas. I hope your weekend sparkles as you do.xo

Susu Paris Chic said...

Hi dear Audrey,

A sweet weekend 'hello' from cool yet warm Paris! So it does seem possible;)

Thank you for sharing the video. How adorable. And chic and somehow a little contemporaneous all at the same time.

Fall does often throw me back on the memory lane as well... the end of an eventful season. Letting go and looking into new exciting things, which do remain highly uncertain and unknown for the most part.

We need phrasing and passages, I find. Remembering and cuddling under the comforting blanket of days gone by. And then coming out, filled with warmth. That's what I'm wishing you from my dear Paris upon you in your dear NY

Huggedy hug!

l'air du temps said...

hi Angie, thanks a bunch for the hugs, they are indeed very well recieved:) i'm glad you liked the song... these girls are too cute.

la belette, thanks! you help me to sparkle as i always feel like you get where i'm coming from...

dear Susu, your words make me miss you. it would be so nice to wander with you through paris or nyc taking in the 'cool yet warm' days while planning and dreaming about what's to come...

have a wonderful week!

a bientot...